Access to the new building

The children will soon start to move into the new building. Different year groups will use different doors to enter the building to avoid crowding.  

Once the children are moved in they will also use different routes into and out of school.  Y1,2,3&4 will enter and exit the school site via the new double gates.  Y5 will use the back double gates (by the Church) as will Nursery and Reception children. Y6 will enter through the main toilets (they will be in the current Y2 rooms).  

Until year groups move please keep using the gates you are currently using.  We will text you to let you know the moving days as there will be different moving days for different year groups.  

Y1&2 will move first followed by Y5&6 (into current Y2 rooms).  This will allow the current Y5&6 rooms to be refurbished.  Last to move will be Y3&4 into the first floor of the new build.

© St Mary's Catholic Primary 2017