Q/. What are the school day timings?

A/. Children go straight into class from 8.45am.  School runs from 8.55am - 3.15pm for Reception to Year Six children, 8.45am-11.45pm for Nursery children.

Q/.  What do I do if my child is late to school?

A/.  If your child is late for school, even by a few minutes, it is vital that you go to the School Office.  This is not just so that we can monitor punctuality, but is essential for fire safety and security.

Q/. How do I report my child's absence from school?

A/. You only need to inform us using one of these methods! Please either telephone the school on 020 8560 7166 as soon as possible and on each day of your child’s absence from school; we have a dedicated answering service where you can leave a message.  Or you can also use the school app to report the absence.  It is very important that you let us know your child’s symptoms so that we can monitor any possible epidemics.  Please send a letter of explanation to school on your child's return.

Q/. How do I go about arranging school dinners for my child?

A/. School meals are free and compulsory for Infant children.  All meals for Junior children need to be paid for via ParentPay. If you’ve forgotten your log on details please call into the school office.  If you don’t have internet access at home you can use one of the office computers to charge your account.

Q/.  How can I buy school uniform?

A/. Our main uniform supplier is School Days in Whitton High Street. You can order online here.  Details of other providers are available from the school office.

Q/. Can I take my child out of school for a holiday during term time?

A/. No.  No holiday will be authorised during term time. Any absences (other than through illness) will be recorded as unauthorised and you may incur a fixed penalty fine and risk your child losing their place at our school.

Q/. How do I apply for a place in your school for my child?

A/. As we are a Voluntary Aided school Governors oversee admissions to the school.  Please look here and then contact the school office if you are interested in a place for your child.

Q/. How will I be informed if there is an enforced school closure?

A/. We have a text messaging service where we can text all parents who have a registered; please ensure you keep us informed if your number changes. You can also check our website for updates: www.smi.hounslow.sch.uk and the Hounslow website.  We will also notify you via our facebook page www.facebook.com/StMarysI and our Twitter feed @StMarysI

Q/. What do I do if my child is prescribed medication?

A/. Parents can arrange to come into school to administer medication to their own children if necessary.  Antibiotic doses that are administered 3 times a day should be given before and after school and at bedtime. If the medicine is required 4 times a day please ask in the office to arrange a time for you or another relative to give any additional required dose.  For long term or ongoing medication, parents are asked to complete and sign a School Health Care Plan. Children with asthma, severe allergies, etc keep their medication in the Medical Room; these are given by a First Aid trained member of staff.

Q/. How long before my child can return to school after an illness?

A/. In the case of vomiting and diarrhoea your child should be well for 24-48 hours before they return to school.  If you are unsure please call us.

Q/. What do I do if I need to see a teacher?

A/. Teachers are normally available for brief enquiries before and after school. If you need a longer appointment, please contact your child's teacher or the office staff who will be happy to arrange this for you.  Parent teacher meetings are held once a term.  Signing up is via an online system with links on the class pages.

© St Mary's Catholic Primary 2017